Chief Papa is a Great Mentor. I have learned a lot in share investment TTP- Tactics, Techniques and Procedures through his own valuable experience. Not to mentioned, aside from investment TTP, I do learned a lot of emotional quotient (EQ) in share investment too. EQ is something that needs to be trained overtime. There is no shortcut in investments success.
Thanks ChiefPapa for the patience and not giving up on us. Wishing you full of loves and happiness - Always. Happy Father's Day.
Today i am very happy and would like to thank chief papa and the team. I joined Gmt on Nov 2019. I missed 美团 but I bought 小米 after listen to analysis from chief papa. 11.50 bought and today I sold 50% of my 小米 at 23.00. Gain 100% within 4 months. Unbelievable. I still keep my mid term and profit in it. 10x stocks. Thank you Chief papa